
Group Practice Schedule


Upcoming Event

[DRC Announcement]

Three Principal Aspects of the Path

We are pleased to announce that in August, Rinchen Choling will welcome the esteemed Sherab Palzang Rinpoche to teach us the "Three Principal Aspects of the Path". Rinpoche will conduct classes for us on four Sundays from 9:30 am to 12:00 pm. Rinpoche’s teaching will be on top of Sunday group practice. We welcome students to attend the sessions at Rinchen Choling.

The course will be personally taught by Rinpoche in Chinese and translated into English.

Dates & Time: 8/4, 8/11, 8/18, 8/25 (9:30 am - 12:00 pm)

Zoom Meeting ID: 656 566 4698. Password:123456

Please see the enclosed textbook for your reference.

Three Principal Aspects of the Path
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很高興八月份寶法林將迎來 尊貴的巴桑仁波切為我們傳授 <三主要道論>, 仁波切將利用4個星期天上午9:30-12:00的時段為我們授課講解, 仁波切的授課講與週日阿彌陀佛共修結合進行, 歡迎信眾到寶法林參加.

仁波切將全程親自以中文教授, 翻譯成英文.

時間: 8/4, 8/11, 8/18, 8/25 (上午9:30 am - 12:00 pm)


Zoom Meeting ID: 656 566 4698, Password: 123456


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About Us

Drikung Rinchen Choling (DRC) is H.E. the 8th Garchen Rinpoche's main Dharma Center in southern California. It provides a place for students to practice daily and for short term retreats under the guidance of H.E. Garchen Rinpoche and Ven. Lama Thupten Nima. H.E. Garchen Rinpoche is one of the most revered guru in the Drikung Kagyu tradition. He is famous for his vast realization, attainment, and great compassion.Ven. Lama Thupten Nima is the current resident abbot of DRC. He served as the Disciplinarian, Chant Master, and Retreat Master in the Gar Monastery in Tibet and Garchen Buddhist Institute in Arizona

直貢寶法林由 噶千仁波切賜名, 2009年成立於加州天普市, 2013年遷入亞凱迪亞市現址。 寺院在上師 噶千仁波切與 阿闍黎圖登尼瑪喇嘛帶領指導之下, 以正信佛教, 藏傳直貢噶舉傳承來宣揚佛陀法教。 它是 噶千仁波切在南加州的主要弘法道場, 除平日共修與法會外亦提供僧團信眾短期閉關。 第八世 噶千仁波切是直貢噶舉最崇高的轉世上師之一, 他以修證境界廣大及大慈悲心著稱於世。 阿闍黎圖登尼瑪 (噶貝) 喇嘛具備完整的佛學訓練, 發願弘揚極樂淨土, 目前是寶法林住持上師, 曾任噶爾寺與噶千佛學院的戒律師、領誦師與閉關指導上師, 著有文殊閻魔敵閉關手冊。


Our Teachers

His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche

His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche is one of two heads of the Drikung Kagyu order of Tibetan Buddhism. Born in 1946 in Lhasa, Tibet, he was recognized at the age of four as the reincarnation of the previous Drikung Kyabgon and formally enthroned and educated at Drikung Thil, the main monastery of the Drikung Kagyu order in central Tibet. During the Tibetan exodus in the late 1950s, his parents fled to India while he remained at Drikung Thil. In 1959, Communist China closed the monastery, and His Holiness Drikung Kyabgon Chetsang Rinpoche was adopted by his former tutor, His Eminence Gyabra Rinpoche. After completing his elementary and middle school education in Lhasa, in 1969 he was assigned to a countryside farm, working fifteen hours a day doing hard physical labor.

In 1975, His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche crossed the Himalayan border separating Tibet from Nepal on foot and all alone except for fortuitous help from two strangers at one impassable point. He traveled to Dharamsala, India, the seat of the Tibetan government-in-exile, where he was received by His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama and formally enthroned once again.

Then, after eighteen years of separation, His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche was reunited with his family in the United States. He stayed for several years, completing courses in English and adult education and working after school at McDonald to practice his English.

In 1978, he returned to India, taking up rigorous Buddhist practice, retreats, and instruction from many of the greatest living masters of Tibetan Buddhism. In 1985, in Dehra Dun, India, he founded the Drikung Kagyu Institute, Jang Chub Ling, which provides traditional monastic and modern education to c. 450 monks and nuns; a meditation retreat center; and a project to collect and preserve all the Drikung Kagyu texts, as well as document the ways of life, philosophy, and religious traditions of the peoples of the Himalayas.

His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche

His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche is a Drikung Kagyu lama who was known in the thirteenth century as the Siddha Gar Chodingpa, a heart disciple of Kyobpa Jigten Sumgon, founder of the Drikung Kagyu lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. In ancient India, he had incarnated as Mahasiddha Aryadeva, the lotus-born disciple of the great Nagarjuna. In the seventh century, he was known as Lonpo Gar, the minister of the Tibetan Dharma King Songsten Gampo.

Garchen Rinpoche was recognized and enthroned in eastern Tibet by the former Drikung Kyabgon Zhiwe Lodro. When he was seven, he was brought to Lho Miyal Monastery, which he administered from the age of eleven. Studying and practicing under the direction of the Siddha Chime Dorje, Garchen Rinpoche received vast and profound instructions on the preliminary practices (ngondro), the fivefold practice of Mahamudra and the six yogas of Naropa.

Then, at the age of 22, after completing a two and a half year retreat, he was imprisoned for 20 years during the political turmoil of China's Cultural Revolution. While in the labor camp, he received meditation instruction from his root lama, the Nyingma master Khenpo Munsel. Enduring hardship and practicing secretly, Garchen Rinpoche attained realization of the lama's wisdom mind. Since his release from prison in 1979, Garchen Rinpoche has made great effort to rebuild the Drikung Kagyu monasteries, reestablish the Buddhist teachings, and build two boarding schools for local children in eastern Tibet. Rinpoche is the founder and spiritual director of the Garchen Buddhist Institute in Chino Valley, Arizona.

Garchen Rinpoche is known for his vast realization, as well as for his great kindness.

Ven. Lama Thupten Nima

Lama Thupten Nima was born in 1965 into conditions of political turmoil and exile associated with the Chinese Cultural Revolution. Lama Thupten Nima had the good fortune to receive instruction at the age of fourteen on the effects of virtuous and harmful actions by the great yogi Tamga, and he completed the four hundred thousand accumulations of the preliminary practices according to the Buddhist Yangzab terma.

His family having long been associated with Gar Monastery prior to the Cultural Revolution, Lama Thupten Nima made great efforts to travel to the Gar Monastery where he received refuge ordination from His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche. He then received full monastic ordination and the bodhisattva vow from the great siddha Karma Norbu, and was admitted to the Gar Monastery. There, he trained in the ritual practices of the tantras of Old and New Schools and other diverse religious activities. He was selected for special training at Lho Lungkar Monastery, including the Eight Heruka Sadhanas, the Embodiment of the Masters' Realization, Vajrakilaya, and Essence of Great Bliss. He served as chant master and, later, as disciplinarian of the Gar monastery.

Thereafter, he received teachings from many of the great living Buddhist masters including Dzogchen trekchod and thogal from Khenpo Munsel Rinpoche, the entirety of the Drikung Kagyu protectors and the higher and lower tantra sections from HE Garchen Rinpoche, and received from Khenpo Jigme Phuntsok his own terma (mind treasure) of the Kilaya cycle of teachings. At Drigung Thil, he received from Drubpon Tendzin Nyima some of the profound teachings of the Drikung Kagyu such as the Fivefold Mahamudra and the Six Yogas [of Naropa]. He studied the Gong Chig (Single Intention), Essence of Mahayana, The Bodhisattva Way of Life, and the Thirty-Seven Bodhisattva Practices with Drigung Khenpo Namzig. Under the elder Drigung chant master Konchog Samten, he trained in the ritual practices of Chakrasamvara, Varahi, the Yangzab, Sarvavid and Akshobhya.

Thereafter, HE Garchen Rinpoche entitled him an Vajra Master and asked him to undertake a series of assignments to help reorganize and reestablish Buddhist practice and monastic discipline in monasteries throughout the region after, in some cases, a twenty-five year breach in the Buddhist practice tradition including Lho Miyel Monastery, Khargo Monastery, and later Tseri Monastery in Sichuan where he reestablished the Great Accomplishment (Drupchen) practice of Yamantaka and gave other teachings. Then, again at the request of HE Garchen Rinpoche, he served as Lama (religious teacher and minister) for two years at Tamgo Monastery in Central Tibet, the former dwelling place of Chung Dorje Dragpa, the fourth lineage holder of the Drikung Kagyu. There, Lama Thupten Nima established the summer retreat, set up a yearly teaching schedule, and appointed a chant master, disciplinarian and shrine master.

Subsequently, at Gar Monastery, Lama Thupten Nima took responsibility for instructing the nuns at the Fivefold Mahamudra Meditation Center of Gargon Nunnery. He then came to America to do a Yamantaka Retreat with HE Garchen Rinpoche. At present, he serves as the Resident Retreat Master and Chant Master for the Garchen Institute in Arizona. Furthermore, he is the founder of the Drikung Rinchen Choling Foundation in Los Angeles/CA, where he continues to oversee the center as the Resident Lama.


100 Syllables Mantra 百字明咒
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Achi Chokyi Drolma Mantra 阿企佛母咒
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Amitabha Mantra 1 彌陀心咒1
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Amitabha Mantra 2 彌陀心咒2
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Buddha Akshobhya Mantra 不動佛咒
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Buddha Vairocana Mantra 大日如來咒
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Chakrasamvara Mantra 勝樂金剛咒語
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Chanting of the Six Syllables Mantra 大悲密集觀音六字大明咒唱誦
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Garchen Guru Yoga Mantra 噶千上師相應咒
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Great Compassion Mantra 大悲咒
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Green Tara Mantra 1 綠度母咒 1
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Green Tara Mantra 2 綠度母咒 2
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Guru Rinpoche Mantra 1 蓮師咒 1
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Guru Rinpoche Mantra 2 蓮師咒 2
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Guru Rinpoche Mantra 3 蓮師咒 3
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Guru Rinpoche Mantra 4 蓮師咒 4
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Mani Mantra 六字大明咒
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Mani Mantra (long) 六字大明咒 長版
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Medicine Buddha Long Mantra 藥師佛長咒
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Medicine Buddha Mantra 藥師佛心咒
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Namgyalma Mantra 尊勝佛母咒
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Peaceful Deities of the Eight Great Herukas Mantra 八大赫魯迦寂靜尊咒語
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Red Avalokiteshvara for the Mani Pills Mantra 大悲密集觀音瑪尼丸修作咒語唱誦
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Three Kaya’s of Guru Rinpoche Mantra 蓮師三身咒語
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Vajrakilaya Mantra Long 普巴金剛長調
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Vajrakilaya Mantra 普巴金剛咒
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Vajrasattva Mantra 金剛薩陀心咒
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White-Tara Mantra 白度母咒
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Wrathful Vajrapani Mantra 忿怒金剛手菩薩咒語
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Yamantaka Mantra 文殊閻魔敵心咒
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Yamantaka Protection Mantra 文殊閻魔敵保護咒
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Yamantaka Protection Mantra by Gape Lama 文殊閻魔敵保護咒 by Gape Lama
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Amitabha Practice

  • Part 1   Play | DownLoad
  • Part 2   Play | DownLoad

  • Garchen Rinpoches Guru Yoga

  • Part 1   Play | DownLoad

  • Nyungne

  • Part 1   Play | DownLoad
  • Part 2   Play | DownLoad
  • Part 3   Play | DownLoad
  • Part 4   Play | DownLoad
  • Part 5   Play | DownLoad
  • Part 6   Play | DownLoad
  • Part 7   Play | DownLoad
  • Part 8   Play | DownLoad
  • Part 9   Play | DownLoad
  • Part 10   Play | DownLoad

  • Tara 7 lines prayer

  • Part 1   Play | DownLoad

  • Vajrakilaya Practice 普巴金剛修法

  • Part 1   Play | DownLoad
  • Part 2   Play | DownLoad
  • Part 3   Play | DownLoad

  • White Tara Practice

  • Part 1   Play | DownLoad
  • Part 2   Play | DownLoad
  • Part 3   Play | DownLoad
  • Part 4   Play | DownLoad
  • Part 5   Play | DownLoad

  • ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥


    Water Offerings Textbook | 五路財神食子水供法本
    View | DownLoad

    A Lamp to Illuminate the Practice of the Most Secret Unsurpassed Vajrakilaya | 顯明極密無上金剛橛觀修義理之明燈
    View | DownLoad

    Burning Away Afflictions
    View | DownLoad

    View | DownLoad

    Lama Chopa 2020 with Chinese
    View | DownLoad

    Lamp Prayer Dispelling the Darkness of Ignorance 供燈祈願-除無名闇
    View | DownLoad

    Medicine Buddha Sadhana cut
    View | DownLoad

    Namgyalma 尊勝佛母
    View | DownLoad

    Praise of the Twelve Deeds of the Buddha
    View | DownLoad

    Three Principal Aspects of the Path
    View | DownLoad
    View | DownLoad

    The Noble Three Heaps
    View | DownLoad
    View | DownLoad

    Yamantaka (07_06_2020)
    View | DownLoad

    Nyungne Retreat Textbooks
    Gargon Nyungne Sadhana 大悲千手千眼觀音聖者之斷食儀軌
    View | DownLoad

    Prayerbook 祈願文
    View | DownLoad

    Mandala 壇城圖
    View | DownLoad

    Supplemental Mantras 附加咒語
    View | DownLoad

    Water Offerings Pretas and Bardo Beings 水供惡鬼中陰
    View | DownLoad

    Nyungne Sadhana Page Turning 紐涅修法頁次
    View | DownLoad

    Vajrasattva Retreat Textbook
    Vajrasattva Textbook 金剛薩埵法本
    View | DownLoad

    Prayerbook 祈願文
    View | DownLoad

    Wednesday Group Practice Textbooks
    View | DownLoad

    White Tara Text
    View | DownLoad

    View | DownLoad

    Parnashavari Short Prayer
    View | DownLoad

    Prayerbook 祈願文
    View | DownLoad

    Sunday Group Practice Textbooks
    1. 祈願文
    View | DownLoad

    1. prayerbook
    View | DownLoad

    2. 佛子行三十七頌
    View | DownLoad

    2. The Thirty-Seven Practices of Bodhisattvas
    View | DownLoad

    3. 阿彌陀佛修誦極樂國法
    View | DownLoad

    3. Amitabha Textbook
    View | DownLoad

    4-1. 極樂願文修正版 1-25
    View | DownLoad

    4-1. The Aspirational Prayer P1-25
    View | DownLoad

    4-2. 極樂願文修正版 26-51
    View | DownLoad

    4-2. The Aspirational Prayer P26-51
    View | DownLoad

    5. 利樂甘霖-煙供+Page 33 白財神招福儀軌
    View | DownLoad

    5. Rainfall_blessing_pecha03519_v8
    View | DownLoad

    6. 葉衣佛母
    View | DownLoad

    6. Parnashavari Short Prayer
    View | DownLoad

    Drikung Rinchen Choling Prayer Book
    直貢寶法林 祈願文
    ENGLISH & 中文

    His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche Quote
    ENGLISH | 中文

    His Eminence Garchen Rinpoche Long Life Prayer
    *The Excellent Stream of the Elixir of Immortality

    King of Aspiration Prayers

    Shantideva's Dedication

    Prayer of Kuntuzangpo

    37 Practices of the Bodhisattvas
    ENGLISH | 中文 | ENGLISH & 中文

























    Donation | 捐款

    We offer all our Dharma programs for free. If you would like to donate to RinchenCholing, it would be greatly appreciated. Your donations will be used to help support the center in its various offerings and activities for the benefit of all beings.
    You may donate via the following 4 ways:

    1. Donation via checks:

    Please mail your check to:
    RinchenCholing Foundation
    4048 E Live Oak Ave., Arcadia, CA 91006

    2. Donation via “Zelle”:

    Payable to:
    RinchenCholing Foundation
    **Please specify “(your donation purpose)” in the Zelle Memo.

    3. Donation via PayPal / credit card payment:

    (Suggestion for people who are NOT living in the US ONLY).

    Pay at Paypal to:
    Click "Donate" button below

    Please specify “(your donation purpose)” in Special Instructions to the seller

    4. Monthly Donation via PayPal:

    Select One of Your Monthly Donation Amount by Click The Drop Down below



    1. 寄支票:

    RinchenCholing Foundation
    4048 E Live Oak Ave., Arcadia, CA 91006

    2. 透過Zelle美國的銀行轉帳系統:

    RinchenCholing Foundation
    **並在Memo註明填寫: “捐款內容/目的”。

    3. 透過PayPal 信用卡捐款:


    並在[Add Special Instructions to the seller: 註明填寫“捐款內容/目的”。

    4. 每月固定捐款,透過網路PayPal 信用卡捐款:



    Drikung Rinchen Choling
    4048 E. LIVE OAK AVE, ARCADIA, CA 91006 | DrikungRinchencholing@gmail.com